
Connected magnet Edouard André

Raised in the cult of Napoleon I, Edouard André was initially a fervent supporter of Emperor Napoleon III, but disillusioned by political life and the fall of the Second Empire, he decided to focus on his art collection.

With this connected magnet, a QR code on the back redirects you to an online discussion platform where you can ask Edouard André about his taste for art, the private mansion he had built on boulevard Haussmann or the Belle Epoque society in which he lived.

An experience proposed by Ask Mona.
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From {{ lowestprice.prices.user.price_tax_display }} {{ lowestprice.prices.user.price_strike_tax_display }} {{ lowestprice.prices.user.label }}
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Public price {{ selectedVariant.prices.suggested.price_tax_display }} {{ selectedVariant.prices.suggested.price_strike_tax_display }}
excl. taxes
Item unavailable
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Sold by Culturespaces Sites
Musée Jacquemart André
Permanente range

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